Springerville and Coronado Generating Stations are two coal power stations in Apache County, supplying electricity to Salt River Project (SRP), Tucson Electric Power (TEP), and Tri-State Generation & Transmission.
On June 2, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a proposed rule to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. EPA has set the emission rate goals for Arizona based on an assumption that all coal-fired generation in the state would be replaced with natural gas or other generation by 2020.
SRP and TEP therefore commissioned Seidman to quantify the direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts of Coronado and Springerville Generating Stations, individually and jointly, at the county and state level, for the 2013 calendar year.
In 2021, SRP and TEP also commissioned Seidman to estimate the economic and fiscal impacts of Coronado and Springerville Generating Stations, 2021 through 2040, at the county and state level.