Arizona Department Veterans' Services
The Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services (ADVS) provides direct services to veterans including 19 Veterans Benefits Offices throughout the state, two skilled-nursing home facilities in Phoenix and Tucson, the Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery in Sierra Vista, and two cemeteries at Camp Navajo and Marana.
ADVS has commissioned Seidman to implement two independent studies.
In 2019, Seidman implemented an economic and fiscal analysis of a new 200-bed facility in Phoenix.
More recently, in 2020, Seidman quantified the economic impact of two new 80-bed facilities in Flagstaff and Yuma. As part of the latter study, Seidman has also offered a comparison of proposed employee salaries at each facility with the local market averages, and some insights about the potential candidate pool.
The economic effects in both studies are measured using state and county-specific versions of the IMPLAN economic impact model. Each model run assumes on that the new facility/facilities and associated operational expenditures represent new activities in the local economy. That is, in the absence of a new facility, AZDVS will not reassign the proposed new staff or capital and operational expenditures to other facilities in the state.