The table below is based on non-agricultural Current Employment Statistics (CES) data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Job Growth and Number of Jobs are displayed in thousands. Users select the month and year, industries and growth measures from drop down boxes.
Month over Month figures are seasonally adjusted while all other measures are calculated from non-seasonally adjusted data. Year over Year percentage changes and job growth compare the selected month with that same month in the prior year. The Year to Date measure compares average employment from January through the desired month with the same period in the prior year. For example, to see first half growth for an industry in a state, select June as the month. The 12 Month Moving Average compares average employment during 12 months ending in the selected month with average employment in the 12 months ending in that same month one year before. To find the annual average growth for an industry for a particular year, select 12 Month Moving Average or Year to Date and December for the desired year.
Employment figures for the current month may be revised in the next two months and again in the annual BLS benchmarking of CES data early in the following year.
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Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics