Job Growth USA
Job Growth USA is published by the Economic Outlook Center – an affiliate of the Seidman Research Institute in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.
The data tools allows users to rank and evaluate current and past economic performance for states and metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in three ways: by comparisons across states and metro areas; by comparisons with a state or metro area’s own historical performance; and by comparisons to the nation as a whole. Comparisons for most industries are available starting in 1992. Total non-farm employment comparisons for states are available back to 1939 and for many metro areas back to the 1960s.
The current and historical job creation rankings and other information by industry for states and metropolitan statistical areas are based on non-agricultural employment data from the latest monthly Current Employment Statistics (CES) release of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment figures for the current month may be revised in the next two months and again in the annual BLS benchmarking of CES data early in the following year.
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